Interviewed By Arm The Pit
January 27,  2013
Most people will never know what it feels like to be on stage in front of a crowd, what does that feel like?
Mostly it feels really really good because you get lost in the moment. We cannot play our songs without getting 100 pct. behind them emotionally, so we give it our all every time. It cleanses you.
Describe your typical stage show performance. What might we expect at your show and why we should go?
We usually play every song we have and end up in chaos and feedback. It's quite loud.
Tell us about your most memorable gig and why it was so great?
Our gig at 1000 fryd when we relesed our album was insane. People trashed the place and helped out on songs. It was one of the most intense experiences I have ever had. And people still talk about it. But most of our shows have been good and we have played with some really awesome bands.
Tell us about your worst gig and why it was so bad?
We opened the main stage at the biggest place in Aalborg for rock music, it was a two day festival. We hadn't really played any real gigs before that and we where nervous because the stage was huge and people at that place generally go for more of an indie rock sound, even the sound people haha. It wasn't a total disaster and we grew alot as a band from that experience.
Tell Us About Your Dream Gig, who you'd like to play with, where?
I'd love to play the Alerta Antifascista fest at some point. But playing the states with Amenra or Rise and Fall would be pretty okay haha.
Do you believe commercial/mainstream music has had a negative effect on new music, why or why not?
I don't care. Mainstream is business. Music videos and big money isn't about anything real in my opinion. The "underground" is alive and well as it always has been.
Has the internet really been helpful to your promotion, why or why not?
the internet is a good tool for promoting gigs and sharing music. The downside is that it can get pretty anti social and impersonal at times.
Can you name a few of your favorite places on the web for band promotions?
not really.
Do you have a website, tell us about it?
We have a facebook page, an online store and a band camp page.
Do you have a street team and how can you join?
No...we will never have one.
Are you looking to get a record deal, why or why not?
Not neccesarily, but if decent people want to help us out with records, we will welcome it.
What are your plans for the future, in a year, 5 years?
Just continue to grow as a band. We have added a fourth member who is yet to rehearse with us, but who has helped us out with percussion on stage. Adding nuances and layers to our sound, playing gigs and so on. We haven't really any ambitions beyond that.
Finally, do have any words on what Arm The Pit means to you?
It is fairly new to me, but thanks for the interview.
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