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Arm The Pit All Grown Up

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An email to a friend is one of the best ways you can spread the word about Arm The Pit.

Talk Up Arm The Pit on Facebook, Twitter, Forums, Blogs, etc.

When you run across an appropriate place to mention Arm The Pit - such as artist pages on Facebook, Facebook groups which are about music or other appropriate locations - don't be shy about letting people know about Arm The Pit. Be sure to include our web address in your post.

IMPORTANT: It isn't an accident that we used the word "appropriate" twice in the preceding paragraph. It's important not to spam Facebook, post on non-music-related sites or site areas, or otherwise annoy people in Arm The Pit's name. That'll only reflect poorly on us.

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Arm The Pit wants to thank you for your help in spreading the word

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