Interviewed By Arm The Pit
January 27, 2014
Do you have a title for your upcoming cd? If so, what is it and how did you come up with it?
The working title for it right now is "Invading The Tower Of Catastrophe". Our drummer, Shane Underwood, came up with the title and I'm not quite sure of where or how he came up with it.
Is this your first cd and if not, how will this one be different from the others?
This will actually be the 2nd Torment Defined cd and my first with the band. The 1st cd had more of a black metal sound to it, especially because of the almost constant high pitched vocals. The new material will have more groove to it as well as highs and lows on the vocals. It will also have songs that I wrote for the band since joining in November of 2012. While this will all be new material, the "old school" style should remain largely intact yet modern at the same time.
Have you written all the songs yet or will you be writing them as you record?
All the songs are written and learned except for a few of mine that the band still has yet to learn. Our tight budget dictates that are songs be ready to record instead of wasting time writing them there and costing us time and money.
Walk us through the process of writing your music.
We haven't exactly collaborated on any songs yet. When I joined the band, I had to learn all the songs that were already written. As for me, I just riff until I come up with something that sounds cool. When I have enough of those riffs accumulated, I start piecing them together. I never start out writing a fast or slow song, it just has to come together naturally and correctly. After that, the song reveals itself as a fast or slow song but mine always have both speeds incorporated. I enjoy twists and a lot of off beats that aren't exactly traditional. Were not trying to be the fastest band out there, we just want to write good songs.
Where will you be recording and why?
We are recording at Klearlight Studios in Dallas,TX. we thought about going up to New York and recording with our good friend, Chris Basile, of PYREXIA. He has his own studio and really knows his stuff. It just became obvious to us that it would be more feasible to record in town and have great confidence in Scott Cooksey, bassist for DIVINE EVE, to give us the sound that were looking for and are satisfied with the experience that he brings to the table from being a long time veteran of the metal scene.
How are you paying for the recording?
The band is just saving up money and pitching in. Were recording 2 to 3 songs per session, then saving more money, recording, saving, etc... until we have at least 10 songs recorded...maybe more. I hope to have at least 3 or 4 of my own compositions on the finished product.
Will you have a producer or will you self produce? If so, what kind of input will the producer have?
This release will be self produced, although we always welcome Scott Cookseys professional opinion and experience.
Will you try to capture your live sound or are you going for something else?
Definitely...if we can capture our live sound on cd, it will give the listener the most honest representation of the band. It would be foolish, in my opinion, to produce something onto cd that we could not replicate at a live performance. Although, if something sounds cool enough on cd (even knowing that it wouldn't be possible live), then I imagine it would require special consideration. However, I would like to keep it at a very bare minimum if at all entirely.
Does your record label have any input into the music you'll be recording?
Nope, not at all. We are currently unattached to any label at the moment but are very fortunate to have management that could change that for us as well as putting us out on the road. (Mid-Coast Management)
When can we expect the cd to be ready?
At the pace were going, my guess would be around Summer time....hopefully before Texas Death Meta Fest 5 on July 12th at Tomcats West.
Where will we be able to pick up a copy?
Of course, we'll have them available at, not only ours but all or most metal shows in the metroplex. They will also be available through mail order (old school style) as I did with the CRUCIFIX release. We'll probably, more than likely, set up a paypal account to accommodate on-line buyers of digital formats of music that are compatible with a multitude of media gadgets that serve our fans particular tastes, demands and convenience.
Will you be touring to support the cd?
That would be nice! We'll let our management handle that aspect, however, we do plan on playing live again this year starting with our 1st live performance in over 1 1/2 years. It will be July 12th at Tomcats West for the 5th annual Texas Death Metal Fest.
Would you rather be recording or playing live shows?
I like both actually but I'm really looking forward to playing live again....been too long!!
Anything you would like to say to your fans while they wait for the cd?
We appreciate all the support over the years and assure everyone that your patience will be rewarded with brutality. We look forward to seeing everyone again from the stage very soon. In the meantime, check out our advanced copies (rough tracks) of a couple of songs that will be appearing on the album on youtube or facebook. Keep metal alive!! \m/\m/
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