Joined Arm The Pit
April 18, 2013
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Hometown: Burgos, Spain
Genre: Metal
Record Label: Unsigned
Band Members
Cholfo/ vocals&guitar
About Us

The band emerged from the union of Cholfo and a friend , which it joined shortly after Guillermo and Pablo. Continuing forward, the first thing was to find a name which was born rescuing from the past the desire to form a group with the name of Silence. Changed "e" by "h", and added the surname ... SILENCH CREW

CHOLFO: Began its journey in the world of guitar over 16 years, learns initially in an autodidactic way and later attends studying classical guitar and music theory at an academy in Burgos.

Since 95 to 97 moves to Madrid to study at the IMT, subsidiary of Musicians Institute of Hollywood.

After belonging to many local bands and small projects for the year 94 enlisted in the thrash metal band, "Metal Militia", to play live in Spain sharing the stage with bands like "Ktulu" or "Hamlet".

In the late nineties joins a known local band of covers called "La Burgos Rock".

Shortly after beginning the composition of several solo tracks and more later take form as an album in 2005, called "Inquietudes". Doing live shows and sharing the stage with artists such as the U.S. "Eric Sardinas".

Continue producing, recording and collaborating with other bands such as "Mister Machin" and "Bumper".

Makes a new CD, this time of "loudness acoustic" songs of classic Rock, Chuchi with the voice, calling "DOUBLE CH" and the album "The Acoustic Side of Rock".

About the year 2009 begins a new project Trashers revisiting his roots, but mixing it with his musical knowledge and extensive range of styles in which he has participated over the years, this project is what will later be called SILENCH CREW ...

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