Joined Arm The Pit
December 19, 2014
Hometown: Athens, Greece
Genre: Metal
Record Label: Unsigned
Band Members
Takis V.O.T - Vocals
Obduktor - Guitar
Kostas - Bass
Giannis: Drums
About Us

Obduktion is a Greek death metal band from Athens, originally founded in 1995 by George ”Obduktor” Bitzos. Influenced by bands like Bolt Thrower, Obituary and Deicide started developing their own sound which, through several demo releases and live performances, can be found in the band’s debut album “Encounter in a dream”, released in 2002 by NMC music.

Obduktor decides to focus on being the main guitarist and composer so the band is officially looking for a new singer. It was the year 2004 when talented vocalist Takis “V.O.T.” Dakoulias, former member of local band Darkness It Shall Be, and Obduktion joined forces. After many lineup changes, the band recorded their second full-length album “II”, released in 2008.

Through the years, Obduktion gained experience by doing many gigs and supporting bands like Asphyx, Absu, Belphegor, Kaamos, Enthroned, Arkhon Infaustus, Deviser and Handful of Hate. In nowadays and through audience’s appreciation, they are a so called “Cult Hellenic death metal” band.

After the band having established a unique music identity based in aggressive riffs, technical solos and brutal attitude and with a strong line-up, they composed brand new death metal songs. In 2011 they released their third full-length album titled “Pain Chronicles”.

The long and devoted path of the group until now, but also the insatiable wish of its members for music, guaranties the continuing of this attempt, and the desirable recognition from its audience.


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