Joined Arm The Pit
November 30, 2014
Hometown: Turin, Italy
Genre: Metal
Record Label: Underground Symphony Records
Band Members
Beppe 'Jago' Careddu: vocals
Mirco 'Trigger' Maggiora: bass guitars
Luca 'Binko' Bincoletto: keyboards, samples and loops
Fulvio "Deimos" Marenco: guitars
Fabio 'Spike' Nora: drums
About Us

The band comes to life in 1999 with the aim of proposing their own music, mixing the musical tastes of all the components of the group.

MADWORK music immediately reaches the heart of listener for the perfect balance of heavy riffs and melancholic arpeggios, distorted bass, dark and electronic atmospheres, airy openings and catchy vocal melodies.





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