Joined Arm The Pit
July 2, 2013
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Hometown: El Paso, Texas
Genre: Hip Hop
Record Label: Unsigned
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Raised in the north side of El Paso, TX; 22 year old RaHeem has been earning the respect of fans & peers since his humble start in 2004.

After finding his father's rhyme books while searching for the 4-track tapes of his music, RaHeem felt that music was the only connection he had to his late father (who was murdered when RaHeem was only 3 years old) & became obsessed with music from that day forward.

His lyrics are alternately soul-baring, usually upbeat, and more often than not, profound. Especially considering the fact that RaHeem is only 22 years old

RaHeem has set to pursue whatever the future may hold and avoid all of the pitfalls that have held back countless other talented artists in the city of the sun.

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