What Is Arm The Pit?
Well, its pretty simple really... Arm The Pit is the
underground music network with a social conscience for kids
of all ages who care about what they hear and what they do
for themselves and for others.
We started running Arm The Pit because there are a tremendous number of excellent artists out there. These artists work tirelessly trying to get their music and their message out to anyone who will listen. Unfortunately, these artists are often never heard outside of their local areas, no matter how good they are.
Artists like these are the backbone of the local music scene all over the country. Kids line up in the pouring rain to watch their favorite artists play in rented fire halls, VFW halls, and clubs. 5 bucks would get you hours of music by several different artists, and the people that you'd meet at these shows could become life long friends.
We don't really need to explain what makes the scenes so special, anyone who has been a part of them already knows. If you go to shows, if you're in a band, if you write for a zine, you know why you do it. It's the same for us.
We look at it this way: If Arm The Pit is successful we will be able to give these artists, the glue that holds the local scenes together, a chance to get the wider attention they deserve. We see it as our way of thanking them for their dedication to the scene, and creating what it is that we all enjoy so much.
On the other side of the coin, if Arm The Pit fails, at least we will be able to say that we tried to give something back. That is important to us. We feel we get more out of it than we put in...and we feel we owe a debt of gratitude for it.
Thanks for everyone who makes the scene what it is...Arm The Pit is for you!