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Texez Mudd's rock style rhythms combined with a bluesy lead creates a unique appeal for rock fans. Hints of modern country, blues, classic rock, funk can be found in their music. Soulful vocals and emotional meaningful lyrics are their cornerstone. "Hendricks meets Trower" one fan put it. With a compilation of original songs that vary in mood, tone, and tempo Texez Mudd is definitly not a one sound band.
Texez Mudd's 4 primary members formed in 2012 primarily to compose and play original songs. The name reflects not only a mixture of styles but also our ethinic backgrounds consisting of Irish(Kerry Collins), African American(Thomas Harris), American Indian(Josh Little), and Asian(Andy Chang). The band's influences are mainly classic and southern rock from bands like Eric Clapton, 38-Special, Stevie Ray Vaughn, and Jimi Hendricks.
Texez Mudd is currently working on recording orginals recordings to produce their first record. This includes several military appreciation songs. The band is currently performing publicly to hone their live performance skills. It is an exciting time for Texez Mudd and "After a year of tilling the soil together it is time to create the buds for future fruit"(Texez Mudd 2013).
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