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This four-piece epic rock band from Dallas Texas has been blazing through its local and regional market. Emerging from North Texas, AwaitingDaylight has exploded onto the Texas and California music scenes. AwaitingDaylight are true musicians and prolific songwriters. AwaitingDaylight began recording original material almost immediately and already have an impressive original music set list. "It became clear right away that we had something worthwhile after the first few demos" says Nyssa Garcia, Lead Vocalist, "The entire band immediately clicked, and we knew the time was right to evolve our own sound." AwaitingDaylight’s lyrics display an unanticipated depth coupled with the vocal purity and crying cadence in Nyssa’s voice that quietly yet powerfully screams experience beyond her 18 years. AwaitingDaylight has performed over 50 shows in less than a year and has performed at renowned Hollywood spots like the Whisky a Go-Go and is scheduled to perform at hot spots like the Memphis Hard Rock Café and more. AwaitingDaylight’s live shows are nonstop, heart pounding, fist pumping, Rock ‘n Roll that is filled with screaming guitars, pounding drums and vocals that are unparalleled.
Awaiting Daylight is currently gaining exposure and building their fan base by performing live in and around the local Dallas scene, regionally as well as music festivals. Their high energy, hard rock will align them to play alongside such like-minded artists as Shinedown, Seether, Circa Survive and Trapt. Until that time, they look forward to touring throughout the U.S. stay tuned for more...
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