What is the title of your CD? How did you come up with the name?
The title of the new EP is "Overdrive". It was the result of a 5 minute brainstorm, but everyone liked it - and it made sense somehow, since the opening track is "Drive".
Is this your first CD and if not, how is this one different from the others?
It's the first one we plan on releasing in physical form (as a self-financed demo), so I guess it's different from the previous 2, digital 3-track EP's (Songs for speedin' and crashin' vol. 1 and 2). "Overdrive" is also different, because we've all been involved in the writing process much more as a band.
Did you write all the songs before going into the studio or did you write them as you were recording?
Yes, all of them we're done prior to entering the studio. It saves time and frustrations.
Walk us thru the process of writing your music?
In the past, it would usually be me creating the music at home with my rig and Pro Tools. And it'd be presented to the other guys as "homework for next practice session". Then we'd play it, tweak it and fine tune it, till we were eventually all happy with it. But recently and for most of the tracks on "Overdrive", the songs have been created from a few riff ideas, over the course of a few practice sessions - in their basic form anyways. There's always a tweak here and a modification there to be implemented over time. But it helps the process, to get something down and then take it from there - a draft, so to speak. Even Lars will start humming something incoherently at the very early stages of the creation process, and when he is ready (or not always ready) for it, we'll do some simple test recordings to see what works and what doesn't.
Where did you record and why?
We're actually recording everything, where we practice. Usually over the course of a few weekends - and our producer, Henrik Hjortnæs, who's been with us from the very start, helps us set everything up and takes care of the technical aspects of the recording process. It's starting to feel familiar and comfortable, and we know most of the kinks and possibilities by now. So usually we (or Henrik) will try to change small things in the process from one session to another, just to try different things out.
HHow did you pay for your recording?
Ouch. Right in the bad conscience. We still need to pay him (as I'm writing this). But we pay for the recording with our devotion and love. And bananas. And money, which we get from our employers at our respective day jobs ;)
Did you have a producer or did you self-produce? If so, what kind of input did the producer have. If your self-produced, why?
As mentioned earlier, it is Henrik Hjortnæs (and Fusskalt) who produces everything... Fusskalt. Henrik usually has a lot of great inputs, ranging from getting our recorded sound as close to what we actually sound like, rather than making us sound like something we can't reproduce live. And he has small ideas for how to start a song, or how to end it... little effects here and there. He get's involved on many levels, which is great because it shows he cares not just about the process, but also the music. Mostly though, he refuses to make dirty, fuzzy sound... So we fight about that a little... and I usually end up loosing. But he's the best. And he always makes us sound the best we can. We're very happy to have him with us.
Did you try to capture your "live sound" or did you go for something else?
We're trying to match our live sound, pretty much down to every guitar preset - though Lars is singing a few vocal harmonies - something we've not yet managed to live. We hope to do so in the future. But yes, we wan't the recorded music to capture a fair amount of living, human beings playing proper instruments.
Did your record label have any input into the music you recorded?
Since we're not on a label, that'll be a no.
Are you pleased with the final product?
Yes, very much so. The 5 tracks on "Overdrive" ranges from the slowest, to the fastest song in our current set. And everyone has been much more involved in the creative process than previously. We hope the audience will welcome it, and play it often... and loud.
Where will we be able to pick up a copy?
Yhose details aren't in place yet. But we'll be sure to inform everyone when everything is settled.
Will you be touring to promote your CD?
We would really like that. Most likely we'll try to set up as many jobs as we can, with some cool, upcoming bands.
Would rather be recording or playing live shows?
Nah, both. Recording is great - and leaning back while listening to a proper recording of your music (without actually playing it) is great. But it just makes you want to get back on the stage even more.
Anything you would like to say to your fans?
We love you all. Your support means more than you think, and makes everything worth while. Keep spreading the word, and we'll see you at the next show.
Cheers from Lars, Janus, Thomas, Jonas and Nick.
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